2013 is the year of the serpent and it is a time of great purging. Ananke, who you know as the Great Goddess or Tiamat, is on Earth moving between dimensions, uprooting and destroying, and this will bring chaos for it is only through chaos that order be found once again and rearranged into a new way. Chronus then cleanses everything that is not productive or positive for Earth consciousness. As everything and all beings are releasing the old and the toxic, so Chronus will harvest this to be transmuted into light.
Ananke is the Earth serpent that ignites the spark of the Kundalini within each of you and this Kundalini rises to meet Chronus. The Great Mother nourishes your Kundalini and enables you to release your old perceptions of yourselves.
Right now most of you are resting for the ordeal of 2012 you have passed and you will need this rest so that you are ready and prepared for the next chapter in this Earth journey. 2013 is the symbolism of change and entering a new cycle, a cycle which is unknown to you in your present human existence. 2013 is the symbolism of the 13th sign of the zodiac that is Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder and with Ophiuchus also comes the serpent who is the sun of the son and who signifies a reawakening of the I AM presence within all of you. 2013 symbolizes the 13 dimensions of the I AM presence which have now moved into one and this one is the dimension that you are co creating with the ALL and the Anunnaki. Each of these 13 dimensions which become one dimension because you do INDEED become ONE with the ONE and the SOURCE of ALL ONE that demonstrates the 13 principles of the I AM presence that is:
1. I AM peace
2. I AM love
3. I AM the key
4. I AM the door
5. I AM light
6. I AM integrity
7. I AM life
8. I AM divine
9. I AM the receiver
10. I AM the giver
11. I AM wisdom
12. I AM ALL
13. I AM ONE
And so my beloved Nanaea, know that my eye, the Eye of Enki, is upon humanity and I continue to watch how my children behave. I am the true Eye of ONE and soon the false eye, the eye that many follow and align their third eye Chakra with will be destroyed. This fake third eye Chakra is the one that hypnotizes and bends free will and manipulates with the use of media and false frequencies. Know that you all are not forced to follow what I say but follow the voice within for this is what is truth and a truth that is a part of me and all of the divine.
2013 is the time of the great merging with your higher selves, your true godhood, for you are all gods and each of you have your own rightful throne upon the Earth and within human consciousness. You are all creators, architects and your talents will be heightened for many will experience the dismantling of their foundations for they were not built on solid ground but on shaky belief systems and so they will build stronger foundations which are in alignment with their true higher selves and spiritual and physical needs.
You also know that the masters are returning more now, more than they have done in the past 40 Earth years. With them come wisdom and hope and guidance and a new perspective. They are the golden children who will create a solid bond with the Universal Council of Light so that Earth may become a member of this Council.
There will be times when you all feel very alone and this is because you need to fly a little on your own, now, and learn how to do things otherwise how will you learn? We cannot do everything for you. Now is the time to really see what you are all made of and what you have to work with and reinforce your intentions of the world you want to live in.
Now, Nanaea, you are permitted to fly all on your own while I supervise.”
I am so excited about doing this and so Enki shows me how to fly, which buttons to press and I am away, flying and feeling happy at having the experience to do so.
In time Enki brings me back to Earth and he asks me to spread this message with humanity