Monday, 30 December 2013

The Divine Unity of 'ONE'

Mandala of Unity
Nothing outside of It nor inside of It        
Before there were Creator and Creation there was only One.  One undivided Unity. One Consciousness that had no name. One uniform Being-ness with no divisions, no boundaries, no parts, nor functions.  Nothing outside of It nor inside of It.  Nothing preceding It nor to come after It.  For there was no 'outside' nor 'inside', no 'before' nor 'after'.  There was only Being.  There was only Divine Life. 

Out of this Life arose the mysterious impulse to create, the primordial push of divine Intentionality,  the sacred expression of unknown Desire which came from a place beyond need and desire.  For there were no needs, and nothing to desire.  An impulse,  pure and free, gave birth to itself to create a thing born of the Mind of God that could then be born into existence.  That could then be born as Existence.  This pure Idea-of-Creation preceded any action, any call, any pronouncement.  First the Desire or Intention, then the manifestation. 

Pure impulse to create came into being, an impulse to manifest the only thing that did not yet exist within the great Itself - multiplicity, individuality, distinction and difference,  individual form, the Many within the One - all this pushed forward, bringing into being everything that was, and is, and shall come to be - the impulse to produce multiplicity out of Unity.  The impulse to give birth.

Out of the primary creative matrix came the first duality, the first pair – Father-Mother God - the Father being that part of the One that was the primary Creator - the active impulse moving forward.  The Mother - that part of the One that received the impulse into Itself in order to become the Many, the womb of matter, of Mater (Mother).  Father--Mother God - the first pair arising out of the nameless Unity.  Both parts joined to each other.  Both parts necessary to Creation.

 Father-Mother God said, together, "Let there be light," and there was light.  The active principle enunciating the edict.  The receptive principle carrying it forth, bringing existence into being.  "Let there be light", also known as the sacred "Aum", also known as the "Word", also known as the primordial letters and sounds of the Hebrew alphabet – each element bursting with the new, each giving rise to Creation.

Thus, Existence came into being, with varying levels of distinctness as individualized identity within the One.  Some were more One than Many.  Some more Many than One. Within the human creation that included both man and nature occurred the greatest degree of individualized existence.  Here, were all things that were different from everything else, that had their own names, that could become separate from each other if they chose to.  The original names containing the essence, the thing that each was created to be as a part of the One.  In the course of millions of years, these became many names and many things.  In the course of the rise and fall of civilizations and cultures, they adopted different faces and habits. But in the beginning, the names were what each was meant to be.

All of human creation has traveled the path shaped by the arrow of divine Intention to bring multiplicity out of Unity, to create individualized existence.  Yet, since all of Creation came forth from the undivided Unity, it remained That within its deepest being, always desiring a return to this, a return to the way home, the way to the Oneness that lived within its deepest core.  What became separated did not know about the path of return that already lived within it as its own Self.  Yet, it was always there, issuing forth its silent call.

Difficult to reconcile are the two currents manifested in all of human consciousness - the desire to follow the arrow of primary Intention and to bring forth the new; and the desire to return to the original undivided Unity.

 The great religious divide has occurred along these lines.  On one side, those religions that defined and taught the way of return to the very beginning, to the place of One.  On the other, those religions that defined and taught the path of forward movement, of evolution, of becoming.  East and West, unity and duality, past and future, God as Consciousness and God as Creator. These are the choices that have infused mankind's spiritual and religious history.

Today, another choice appears.  Another way of looking at things.  It is the path of reconciliation.  The path of unification of the two ways.  Through the human soul, it is possible for both ways to coexist - for human consciousness to hold the primary Unity and simultaneously to differentiate out of that Unity in order to further the arrow of Creation.  It is possible to do this because Matter (Mater-Mother) and Spirit (Father) are becoming unified on the human plane, never again to be separate from each other.

This human consciousness that can accomplish both is not a return to the Father or Mother, nor a return to the Nameless One.  Rather, it is an incorporation of both into Consciousness itself.  Being and Becoming, Unity and Multiplicity - the ultimate fulfillment of the Creative impulse.  It is the way of reconciling all aspects of differentness and bringing together Matter and Spirit into a seamless whole.

Such is the destiny of the human soul and of the human consciousness -  to complete the circle of Creation, creating a micro-Cosmos within each self that parallels the  macro-Cosmos of the manifested universe.  Henceforth, the One shall live within the Many, dwelling among them as the Presence of One, and the Many shall live within the One, knowing themselves to be part of the Oneness.

Saturday, 28 December 2013

Living Within Timelessness and Stillness

What is time really dear ones, besides an open space for your evolution and hope that often feels tight because of all the demands within your daily life. Think of a time when you have been waiting anxiously for a certain letter, or special phone call and nothing comes and no one calls, but as soon as you stop waiting and move on, that phone call or letter finally comes. Being in a state of rush or hurrying provides many frustrated feelings and through your rushed state, more mistakes are likely to occur, and in many times your need to rush will slow you down because you have to go back and try to correct and make right whatever went wrong. When you apply focus and take your time there is no waste of energy, there are no frustrations that come because you are not rushing. You are taking appropriate preventive measures when necessary; you are being aware and mindful instead. 
Understand dear ones time is both your limitation and your opportunity. Time within space functions as a powerful but hidden gate that will limit your reality so that you can actualize one thing at a time and place. It is very difficult to do two different things at the same time as your attention is divided, therefore dear ones you must choose which task you will complete first before you move on to the next one. 
To some dear souls, time is considered as a social practice. There is a fragment of truth here. As you learn to recognize that you live more completely in the present and thus have a sense of the dimension of your being, you are no longer held within the grasp of time. As you move into consciousness, you move into the timelessness of the present moment, and your perception of time begins to dissolve, your mental and emotional time will fade away completely. Yet in your mundane and less conscious state, time does have a mental and emotional reality and many dear souls believe in time wholeheartedly. Understand dear ones, the more awake you become, the greater you will experience life with the effect that you have more time, not less. We are positive you have noticed you have days which you are more awake than others, where you are more present and whole and they seem to last longer than other days. 
It is well understood dear ones; that time also has a physical dimension that is not just found within the movement of clocks or planets, but held within the limiting experience when you focus on one thing at a time. As your body ages and grows older, it is also a reminder that the measure of your energy often defines time as the state of temporariness. Even though time does not encompass your entire reality, it does form a major component. 
The three great parts of time are past, present and future and each one provides their own challenges and opportunities. It is possible dear ones to explore your relationship with each one successfully gain knowledge thus coming to the conclusion whether or not you are active, passive or open. 
When you are passive towards time, you become imprisoned to it and, you give in to it. Being passive simply means lying there by the heaviness of the past and the future. Being passive to the past suggests you are living in regret over missed opportunities; you live in old wounds and situations that are of the past, where you mull over them constantly, going over words that were said, then thinking how you will never find love again, or find peace again, or anything else that you feel you have missed out or lost. Being passive to the past dear ones means you are condemning yourself to live out what you have conditioned yourself to live with no prospect of loosening old habits and attitudes. You passively accept your belief system and ways, and of your identity because you are basing it all on personal history. What this does dear ones is create a façade of who you think you are. You piece together all the pieces of your history, and shape them into a false-self, then completely identify with the result as being you and this you that you created you will build protective walls around it to protect it from exposing the real you. 
Now being passive about what the future will bring only suggests that you are worrying about what is going to happen within a particular situation, where you often imagine certain scenarios, envisioning what could possibly go wrong then you quickly withdraw from them. Being passive in regards of your future also suggests that you are hurrying to get somewhere, rushing to finish a task, being impatient while waiting in a line-up, or procrastination towards the true goals for self-improvement, where there is a lack of determination and focus to create a better and more improved future. Being passive about your future dear ones, means as well that you are living in the realm of expectation, where you are waiting for something to arrive. Having such an attitude towards time will only shield you from the actual fact that each day brings you that much closer to your end, which for some dear souls provides a soothing feeling of spiritual tiredness that envelopes them. 
There are some dear souls that are passive in the present, where they are literally sleepwalking through life, barely aware of what is going on and fleetingly aware and awake of their inner and exterior surroundings. Being passive of your present means you have fear of what is in front of you, and you are rejecting or ignoring what is occurring, or for some dear souls they may be greedily seeking more money, material objects and experiences. In addition dear ones, being passive towards your present is understood as allowing the emotions and feelings that are current to control and rule you. Being passive of the present also describes many dear souls as identifying inwardly and drifting into any kind triumph that colours their awareness, permitting them to be supported along, being rootless within the stream of their flooding thoughts and experiences. Instead of living and being dominated by time, we encourage each of you to live actively and open. 
Living actively regarding your past describes you as being conscious and ware of the storehouse of experiences that you house and the wisdom that can be mined there. As you come face-to-face with certain challenging difficulties actively, you remember you have been confronted with similar experiences before and you can tap into that storehouse of wisdom and make use of what you already know in order to make better choices during your current dilemmas. Some of your habits that affect your mind, body and heart are from past repetition and some of them can be destructive. Being more active towards that past also means you are consciously working against those destructive and harmful habits one at a time. Being consciously active towards your past dear ones also includes your shared and cultural past, realizing what others before you have done in history, science, literature, mathematics, art, spirituality, etc. When you seek the past for wisdom, look into your personal history as well as the history of your culture and civilization of your entire human race. Changes were not just occurring with you, but as you were experiencing certain changes so was the rest of the world. 
As you become more active towards your future you are demonstrating you are working in the present in order to create a better future, creating positive energy and influence into your future by what you are creating now through the conditions you are setting so future events that occur within your personal and shared lives will move in the direction you wish them to move. If you want good health in the future, then good health is to be practiced now and some of those practices could be stop smoking, more exercise, making healthier food choices, etc. If you wish to become closer with God and other divine beings then we suggest you to practice attentively now in the present. Being active towards your future does not have room for waiting or hesitation, nor does it mean you are hoping for a miracle, instead you are actively working towards a better future through the choices you are making in the present and by not living within the realm of expectation. 
Being active towards your present also requires practice of not being lost or asleep – awakening in the present now and doing what is possible in the present that can assist you to repair the past by your ability and courage to overcome wasteful habits and harmful conditioning thus creating a better life for you and those closest to you. By actively living in the present you are also living fully focused, working to strengthen and deepen the spiritual presence of yourself, creating and bringing forth a deeper willingness to confront all parts of the present; your inner and external, with your eyes and heart wide open. Understand dear ones, the spiritual path is not set in time, but beyond time. Nevertheless it does open in time as your altering states change, move and grow and as your Self vanishes and shines. 
Being open towards your future dear ones is about being responsive and agile, having the ability to listen to your intuition about possible developments of growth for your future, then creating goals that would bring you to the outcome you wish to accomplish while at the same time you are listening to your intuition for hints of changes that may need to be applied. Being open towards your future dear ones also means you are choosing the highest of the endless possible futures, recognizing and seizing the appropriate windows and doorways of opportunity. Being open towards your future dear ones also means you welcome the possibility of envisioning the evolution for not just yourself but for all people that share your bountiful earth and you may envision how you can begin bringing in the changes necessary to bring your vision into effect. 
Being open to your past dear ones suggests that you are willing to permit the past to provide you with information through your intuition and allowing the wisdom from past situations to stimulate your heart with love, and it demonstrates that you are accepting and learning to not repeat past mistakes. Being more open to your past dear ones also means you are providing an accepting and loving peaceful space where past mental and emotional situations may be called forth in order to heal instead of causing harm. Being open to your past also means you are able to forgive those who have wronged you and you are able to forgive yourself – you are creating a healing bridge within yourself. 
Dear ones when you are open to the present, you are demonstrating you are listening to the people around you, you are aware fully of the situation you are in and you are able to respond appropriately. Being open of your present also suggests that you are living in total awareness of the all-embracing timeless stillness that is fundamental to everything; it is an eternal space that opens to you through your conscious presence. 
The path you are journeying leads you through space and time. You move and flow from one moment to the next and each one dear ones is defined by its own time and place. It is true you may not recognize this, but in a profound and deep inner way, the quality of your spiritual presence will also define each moment you enter. Therefore, your own personal life path does not just rest in space-time but it is moving simultaneously in another dimension and reality. And your location within that dimension depends on your presence being higher or lower. Understand dear ones, your experience with time changes in height as you change and evolve your own presence. Comprehend the more present you are, the better and more fulfilling your experience will be. To have a day filled full with spiritual presence provides greater satisfaction than a day filled with wistful thoughts. This is your dimension of being dear ones. 
It is direct and uninterrupted perception that will revitalize you. Where the simplest of things will vividly hold and create beauty and meaning. When you hear the clang of coins or silverware it’s like hearing music. Every crumb of food will come alive, having a distinct texture, flavour, and smell. By living openly and in the present dear ones you find yourself reveling in the simple joy of living in the temple of your body. 
It is distractions dear ones that prevent so many dear souls from living openly and in the present, it is distractions that fog up your perception and awareness. When your attention flees from your current focus, you are unable to see the miracles that fill your daily life. Return to your center, refocus yourself into the present, being open to what life has to offer you and be willing to bring the necessary changes into effect that are essential not just for your present but for the future you are actively creating through each choice you make. We encourage you to enter the vivid, true world of your consciousness, to see, to feel and to live in the present actively and openly with love for the presence of God and of yourself in all you do. 
And so it is… 
I AM Ascended Master, Serapis Bey through Julie Miller 

Tuesday, 8 January 2013

Birthing a New Mother: A Home Study Program

Are you trying to conceive and feeling frustrated, scared, and hopeless?
• Are you overwhelmed by the physical challenges of pregnancy (nausea, exhaustion, weight gain, heartburn) and struggling with anxiety about your unborn baby’s health?
• Is your marriage prepared to weather the storm that occurs after your baby is born?
• Are you a new mother and suffering from grief that your old life is over, unresolved feelings about the birth, self-doubt, and perfectionism?
• Do you long for a community of supportive women to guide you through this life-transforming time?
A loving mother-baby bond is one of the highest predictors of the long-term emotional health of your child. Yet in a culture that encourages you to focus only on the externals of ovulation sticks, ultrasounds, and buying the perfect car seat, you're bereft of a roadmap and community that can guide you through the emotional terrain of preconception and pregnancy so that you're prepared to receive your baby with open arms.
From fertility anxiety to grief about your relationship with your mother to fears about giving birth, a circle of experts and I will reveal the secrets that will teach you how to:
•  Effectively manage your anxiety
•  Bring comfort and meaning to the physical challenges of pregnancy
•  Absorb the shock of your new life
•  Babyproof your marriage
•  Give yourself the best chance to thrive
Birthing a New Mother: A Home Study Program

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Tuesday, 1 January 2013

2013: The 13 I AM Dimensions of ONE

2013 is the year of the serpent and it is a time of great purging. Ananke, who you know as the Great Goddess or Tiamat, is on Earth moving between dimensions, uprooting and destroying, and this will bring chaos for it is only through chaos that order be found once again and rearranged into a new way. Chronus then cleanses everything that is not productive or positive for Earth consciousness. As everything and all beings are releasing the old and the toxic, so Chronus will harvest this to be transmuted into light.
Ananke is the Earth serpent that ignites the spark of the Kundalini within each of you and this Kundalini rises to meet Chronus. The Great Mother nourishes your Kundalini and enables you to release your old perceptions of yourselves.
Right now most of you are resting for the ordeal of 2012 you have passed and you will need this rest so that you are ready and prepared for the next chapter in this Earth journey. 2013 is the symbolism of change and entering a new cycle, a cycle which is unknown to you in your present human existence. 2013 is the symbolism of the 13th sign of the zodiac that is Ophiuchus the Serpent Holder and with Ophiuchus also comes the serpent who is the sun of the son and who signifies a reawakening of the I AM presence within all of you. 2013 symbolizes the 13 dimensions of the I AM presence which have now moved into one and this one is the dimension that you are co creating with the ALL and the Anunnaki. Each of these 13 dimensions which become one dimension because you do INDEED become ONE with the ONE and the SOURCE of ALL ONE that demonstrates the 13 principles of the I AM presence that is:
1. I AM peace
2. I AM love
3. I AM the key
4. I AM the door
5. I AM light
6. I AM integrity
7. I AM life
8. I AM divine
9. I AM the receiver
10. I AM the giver
11. I AM wisdom
12. I AM ALL
13. I AM ONE
And so my beloved Nanaea, know that my eye, the Eye of Enki, is upon humanity and I continue to watch how my children behave. I am the true Eye of ONE and soon the false eye, the eye that many follow and align their third eye Chakra with will be destroyed. This fake third eye Chakra is the one that hypnotizes and bends free will and manipulates with the use of media and false frequencies. Know that you all are not forced to follow what I say but follow the voice within for this is what is truth and a truth that is a part of me and all of the divine.
2013 is the time of the great merging with your higher selves, your true godhood, for you are all gods and each of you have your own rightful throne upon the Earth and within human consciousness. You are all creators, architects and your talents will be heightened for many will experience the dismantling of their foundations for they were not built on solid ground but on shaky belief systems and so they will build stronger foundations which are in alignment with their true higher selves and spiritual and physical needs.
You also know that the masters are returning more now, more than they have done in the past 40 Earth years. With them come wisdom and hope and guidance and a new perspective. They are the golden children who will create a solid bond with the Universal Council of Light so that Earth may become a member of this Council.
There will be times when you all feel very alone and this is because you need to fly a little on your own, now, and learn how to do things otherwise how will you learn? We cannot do everything for you. Now is the time to really see what you are all made of and what you have to work with and reinforce your intentions of the world you want to live in.
Now, Nanaea, you are permitted to fly all on your own while I supervise.”
I am so excited about doing this and so Enki shows me how to fly, which buttons to press and I am away, flying and feeling happy at having the experience to do so.
In time Enki brings me back to Earth and he asks me to spread this message with humanity
