Saturday, 4 August 2012

Enough Is Enough - Creating a World Where All Are Fed

“The real cause of hunger is a scarcity of justice,
not a scarcity of food.” John Robbins

Fact: The world produces more than enough food to feed every single person on the planet.
However, right now, nearly a billion people around the world do not have enough food to eat. One out of every seven people will go to bed hungry tonight. Every day, nearly 18,000 children die from malnutrition and hunger-related diseases. That’s one child every five seconds. Hunger kills more people each year than AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis combined. In the United States alone, 17.2 million households, or approximately one in seven, were deemed “food insecure” in 2010. This is the highest number ever recorded.
Why are we still facing such a tragic hunger crisis?
The time for waiting is over. It’s time for answers. It’s time for action. It’s time to do our part to make sure everyone around the world is fed, in our lifetimes. We have the collective power now to end the scourge of hunger for good.

The Food for All Summit: One Day to Nourish the World

On November 30th, people from every corner of the world will gather for Food for All, a one-day summit focused on creating a world where all are fed - and empowering you with the tools, inspiration and resources to make a difference!
Bringing together inspirational, political and spiritual leaders, as well as media, celebrities, activists and nonprofits, the Summit has a powerful mission: Raising awareness for global hunger and generating innovative and positive long-term solutions for solving this crisis once and for all.
Additionally, this year’s Summit will be focused on raising money for Save the Children’s efforts to help the millions of children and families in Ethiopia, Kenya and Somalia whose lives are at risk due to severe food shortages brought upon by drought, crop failures and livestock deaths.

How You Can Benefit from the Food for All Summit

The Food for All Summit is an extraordinary opportunity for you to hear from and work with the very people and organizations who are leading the charge to solve world hunger.
Join us and you’ll have an unequaled chance to make a difference and become an important part of the movement to create “a world where all are fed.”
  • Learn about new long- and short-term solutions to truly creating a hungry-free world. You’ll hear from pioneers in micro-finance (now reaching 137 million people around the world in 2010), advocacy, financial literacy and more.
  • Find out how you can take immediate action and do something positive to help feed people with our letter-writing workshop.
  • Discover how you can help others have their survival needs met, especially children in drought-stricken Africa.
  • Be inspired as you hear the heroic stories of courage, perseverance and success from how people just like you are helping end world hunger.
  • Unlock your “inner activist” as you discover how you can make a big impact with even the smallest effort.
  • Learn how your lifestyle and your mindset can be shifted so that you’re truly part of the solution.
  • And, much, much more!

You Can Be the Difference

If you care about world hunger and want to do something about it, register today to be a part of this groundbreaking event. This is your chance to take immediate action and make a real, lasting impact.
FREE Registration
We respect your privacy. Your information will never be sold nor shared without your permission.
Then, join us on November 30th.
You can be the change. You can make a real difference.
Also, we would love your help spreading the word about The Food for All Summit! Share this link with your friends and colleagues - together we can truly create a world where ALL are fed.
